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Cтаты апнутой эпик бижи и сетов

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Сообщений в теме: 5



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Уважаемая администрация,можете ли вы,сделать отдельну тему *гайд(расшифровка)* статов  эпик бижи ну или расширить и дополнить этим тему *статов апнутых сетов*,на самой биже не отражена информация полностью...по физ...маг критоам например и тд,более  информативно сделать тему и о ПА+руны+руны евента  юзая это в игре, я не нахожу их адекватного отражения в .whoami,что бы игрок мог подчерпнуть более подробную информацию тут,а не методом *научного тыка пальцем* в игре.

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Самое классное,если бы вы сделали и посвятили целый раздел на форуме этому,обьеденив разрозненные посты и темы  по этому вопросу,в одном месте по главам или по вашему усмотрению,удобное для прочтения и поиска

Сообщение отредактировал Кувалда: 06 Февраль 2020 - 17:53

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только не отсылайте меня в раздел *тех.инфо.* там общая информация о сервере,

Сообщение отредактировал Кувалда: 06 Февраль 2020 - 17:55

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Уважаемая администрация,можете ли вы,сделать отдельну тему *гайд(расшифровка)* статов  эпик бижи ну или расширить и дополнить этим тему *статов апнутых сетов*,на самой биже не отражена информация полностью...по физ...маг критоам например и тд,более  информативно сделать тему и о ПА+руны+руны евента  юзая это в игре, я не нахожу их адекватного отражения в .whoami,что бы игрок мог подчерпнуть более подробную информацию тут,а не методом *научного тыка пальцем* в игре.

В игре корректное описание стат апнутого эпика :

Ring of Core [1LVL] +15% SP, produces the following effects: MP+21, 40% increase in resistance to poisoning and increase in accuracy.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Ring of Core [2LVL] +30% SP, produces the following effects: MP+21, 40% increase in resistance to poisoning and increase in accuracy.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Ring of Core [3LVL] +45% SP, produces the following effects: MP+21, 40% increase in resistance to poisoning and increase in accuracy.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Earring of Orfen [1LVL] +15% EXP, produces the following effects: MP+31, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Earring of Orfen [2LVL] +30% EXP, produces the following effects: MP+31, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Earring of Orfen [3LVL] +45% EXP, produces the following effects: MP+31, 40% increase in resistance to bleeding and increase in the amount of heal. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Earring of Antharas [1LVL] 10% P.Def, produces the following effects: MP +31, 80% increase in resistance to bleeding, increase in the amount of heal, vampiric rage effect, 60% increase in resistance to stun/silence, decrease in MP consumption, and increase in resistance to earthen attack. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Earring of Antharas [2LVL] 20% P.Def, produces the following effects: MP +31, 80% increase in resistance to bleeding, increase in the amount of heal, vampiric rage effect, 60% increase in resistance to stun/silence, decrease in MP consumption, and increase in resistance to earthen attack. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Earring of Antharas [2LVL] 30% P.Def, produces the following effects: MP +31, 80% increase in resistance to bleeding, increase in the amount of heal, vampiric rage effect, 60% increase in resistance to stun/silence, decrease in MP consumption, and increase in resistance to earthen attack. If a character wears two identical earrings, the effect of only one earring will be applied.
Necklace of Valakas [1LVL] 10% P Atk, 15% M.Atk, produces the following effects: MP+42, 80% increase in sleep resistance, HP +445, decrease in reuse delay, increase in P. Atk. and M. Atk. wild magic effect, damage shield effect and increase in resistance to flaming attack.
Necklace of Valakas [2LVL] 20% P Atk, 30% M.Atk, produces the following effects: MP+42, 80% increase in sleep resistance, HP +445, decrease in reuse delay, increase in P. Atk. and M. Atk. wild magic effect, damage shield effect and increase in resistance to flaming attack.
Necklace of Valakas [3LVL] 30% P Atk, 45% M.Atk, produces the following effects: MP+42, 80% increase in sleep resistance, HP +445, decrease in reuse delay, increase in P. Atk. and M. Atk. wild magic effect, damage shield effect and increase in resistance to flaming attack.
Ring of Baium [1LVL] 5% P.Atk spd, produce the following effects: MP +21, 80% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in Accuracy, increase in critical damage, 60% increase in resistance to hold, and increase in Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Ring of Baium [2LVL] 10% P.Atk spd, produce the following effects: MP +21, 80% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in Accuracy, increase in critical damage, 60% increase in resistance to hold, and increase in Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Ring of Baium [3LVL] 15% P.Atk spd, produce the following effects: MP +21, 80% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in Accuracy, increase in critical damage, 60% increase in resistance to hold, and increase in Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Zaken's Earring [1LVL] 10% M.Def, produces the following effects: MP +31, +60% resistance to bleeding, increased heal, vampiric rage and +40% resistance to shock/abnormal mental state. If a character wears two identical earrings, only one earring's effects will apply.
Zaken's Earring [2LVL] 20% M.Def, produces the following effects: MP +31, +60% resistance to bleeding, increased heal, vampiric rage and +40% resistance to shock/abnormal mental state. If a character wears two identical earrings, only one earring's effects will apply.
Zaken's Earring [3LVL] 30% M.Def, produces the following effects: MP +31, +60% resistance to bleeding, increased heal, vampiric rage and +40% resistance to shock/abnormal mental state. If a character wears two identical earrings, only one earring's effects will apply.
Frintezza's Necklace [1LVL] 10% P Atk, 15% M.Atk, produces resistance to Sleep by 30%, to Poison by 50%, to Bleed by 50%, to Paralysis by 30%, to Shock by 30%. Decreases Re-use Delay. Also produces the effects of Damange Shield, and enhanced ability to defend against dark attacks.
Frintezza's Necklace [2LVL] 20% P Atk, 30% M.Atk, produces resistance to Sleep by 30%, to Poison by 50%, to Bleed by 50%, to Paralysis by 30%, to Shock by 30%. Decreases Re-use Delay. Also produces the effects of Damange Shield, and enhanced ability to defend against dark attacks.
Frintezza's Necklace [3LVL] 30% P Atk, 45% M.Atk, produces resistance to Sleep by 30%, to Poison by 50%, to Bleed by 50%, to Paralysis by 30%, to Shock by 30%. Decreases Re-use Delay. Also produces the effects of Damange Shield, and enhanced ability to defend against dark attacks.
Ring of Queen Ant [1LVL] 5% M.Atk spd, produce the following effects: MP +21, 60% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in accuracy, increase in critical damage, and 40% increase in resistance to hold.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Ring of Queen Ant [2LVL] 10% M.Atk spd, produce the following effects: MP +21, 60% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in accuracy, increase in critical damage, and 40% increase in resistance to hold.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Ring of Queen Ant [3LVL] 15% M.Atk spd, produce the following effects: MP +21, 60% increase in resistance to poisoning, increase in accuracy, increase in critical damage, and 40% increase in resistance to hold.  If a character wears two identical rings, only the effect of one ring will be applied.
Статы на подобии силы физ.крита или шанс маг.крита - не изменяются при апе бижутерии, изменяются только дополнительные статы 




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Магам нет смысла апать бая ак. Ак магу не добавит ничего максимальный каст 40к без ак апа

зачем его апать



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Добрый день,спасибо,желательно создать раздел ..что бы все желающие ,могли получить необходимую информацию,до старта еще 7-8 дней..достаточно времени,что б все струтурировать,не буду рекламировать конкурирующий сервер,но там очень удобно,когда первый раз зашел вся информация ,как на ладошке,вплоть до ПА,рун и т.д и т.п.,расчитал до игры все до 1 рубля и % пве ,у нас же все познаешь лишь методом ошибок ...а конкуренты ,что опытнее уходят вперед..

Сообщение отредактировал Кувалда: 07 Февраль 2020 - 15:30

Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 1

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