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About [Interlude MultiSkill x2] v11 - BOT ALLOWED!

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  • 2 574 сообщений
ATTENTION: The administration decided to allow the use of the bot, but in no way helps in its installation and does not provide technical support on any issues related to bot programs.
We disable the bans and monitoring of bot bots in protection (if you have any problems with the bot, contact the developers of these programs!)

Window limit - 2

The use of a packet bag and radars is still prohibited and punishable by a ban

It is forbidden to use software (proxy / vpn / spoofer) to bypass the maximum number of game sessions

There are restrictions in the first 4 weeks after opening (clickable)


Basic information :
Chronicle: Interlude
Concept: Multiprof / Multiskill

Br_cash_rune_of_exp_i00_0.jpgServer rates:

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Br_four_leaf_clover_box_i00_0.jpgMain changes between V9 and V10 : :

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file1337787105.pngGame interface:

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Armor_t06_u_i00_0.jpgCharacter Creation:

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G_christmas_tree_bead_0.jpg Server features:

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Skill0176_0.jpg Skills:

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Accessory_necklace_of_valakas_i00_0.jpgEpic bosses:

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Skillraid_0.jpgRaid bosses:

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Ench_am_stone_i03_0.jpgA Grade Part:

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Skill1323_0.jpgSub-class and Noblesse:

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Etc_mineral_unique_i03_0.jpgLife Stone:

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Skill4291_0.jpgNPC Server:

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Etc_event_glitter_medal_i00_0.jpgAutomatic events:

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Etc_dualchange_0.jpgBuying professions:

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Etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_wp_s_i05_0.jpgEnchant :

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Skill11783_0.jpgRebirth system:

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Ect_charm_of_protection_i00_0.jpgBasic moments :

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Etc_recipe_black_i00_0.jpgServer commands:

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b0e93d343eadecdf047fa5039bd1866a.pngServer currencies:

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Armor_t89_ul_i02_0.jpgDescription of stats and armor upgrade A / S grade:

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Etc_crystal_red_i00_0.jpgSoul Crystal 14 LvL:

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Количество пользователей, читающих эту тему: 2

0 пользователей, 2 гостей, 0 анонимных