Window limit - 2
* The use of a packet bag and radars is still prohibited and punishable by a ban
* It is forbidden to use software (proxy / vpn / spoofer) to bypass the maximum number of game sessions
* There are restrictions in the first 4 weeks after opening (clickable)
Server rates:
Xp - x2
Sp - x1
Adena - x0,1 ( prices have been changed in accordance with the rate )
RB Xp - x1.5
RB Sp - x1
Drop - x1
Drop c RB - x1
Spoil - x4
QuestsRewardAdena - x0,01
QuestsRewardXp - x1
QuestsRewardSp - x1
QuestsRewardItems - x1
QuestsDrop - x2
Manor - x0 (switched off)
The cost of learning skills of any profession - х10
Main changes between V9 and V10 : :
Added a new NPC Skill Enchanter in Giran:
You can now enchant skills using the Secret Book of Giants and Giant's Codex - Mastery
Added Giant's Codex - Mastery, works as in the chronicles above:
*In case of unsuccessful enchanting, the skill is not reset, but remains at the same level.
Giant's Codex - Mastery drops from:
Regular RB 70+ with 5% chance
Epic boss with a chance of 50-100% 1-5 pieces (depending on the boss)
Purchased for 50,000 Nobless Gate Pass from Olympus Manager
By exchanging 20 Secret Book of Giants and 3,000,000 Adena in the exchanger

Differences between v5, v6, v7, v8, v8.1 и v9 :
The number of players in the clan has increased to 9 человек
The maximum number of players in a party has been increased to 9
Removed the possibility of obtaining alternative buffs in ketra, farm and similar places
Buffs are no longer available to Clan Halls/Castles
Clan halls are no longer available for purchase/siege (now you cannot take buffs in them)
The clan leader is changed instantly (previously it happened after a server restart)
The cost of items for raising a clan has been increased:
Blood Mark - 7,500,000 adena
Alliance Manifesto - 10,000,000 adena + 2 event coins
Seal of Aspiration - 15,000,000 adena + 5 event coins
Sub Coin cost increased from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 adena
Reduced the minimum number of Sub Coins dropped from Longhor Golkonda (previously it was 2-3pcs 100%, now 1-3pcs 100%)
Added additional castles for siege: Goddart and Runa:
- Magic boom when owning Goddard Castle, adds 5% running speed, 17% magic attack, 15% physical defense in PVP and 10,000 MP
- Fighter boom when equipped with Rune Castle, adds 5% running speed, 8% physical attack, 7% magic defense in PVP and 8,000 MP
Changed times and dates of sieges:
Siege of Rune: every 3 days at 19:00 Moscow time
Siege of Goddard: every 3 days at 19:00 Moscow time
Siege of Giran: every 3 days at 19:00 Moscow time
Siege of Aden: every 3 days at 19:00 Moscow time
Removed the ability to use a wyvern
Hot Springs Flu is available for research for rebirths
Hot Springs Malaria is available for research for rebirths
Added an alternative farming zone S grade part - 2+ floor MOS (Monastery Of Silence) with a lower drop rate (0.75%)
Increased the chance of S Grade Part dropping on dinos to 3%
Reduced the drop rate of Interlude weapons and pieces on Dino Island
Now, when you die on Dino, you will be teleported to Goddart, to protect against scripts returning to the spot (TP cost on Dino is 5,000,000 adena)
The chance of receiving LS skills from Low, High grade skills has been reduced, completely removed from No-grade LS
Fixed display of mob level in LOA (requires patch update)
Updated Zaken, Frintezab Antharas, Kore and Orfen:
Zaken additionally adds 700 magic defense per level (up to 2100)
Frinteza additionally adds 10% to physical crit power per level (up to 20%)
Antharas additionally adds 1400 physical defense per level (up to 4200)
Core instead of SP adds 10% to the base drop rate for each level (up to 30%)
Instead of EXP, Orfen adds 10% to the base Adena drop rate for each level (up to 30%)
Ring of Queen Ant drop chance increased to 50% (50% Aq Stone with the ability to exchange 2AQ stone for 1 Ring of Queen Ant), adena drop increased and drop cleaned
Core/Orfen drop rate increased to 100%, adena drop increased and drop cleaned up
Crystal enchantments have been added to the drop for all epics, and the adena drop has also been increased
Core/Orfen stats are equal to Queen Ant stats
Changed respawn of Epic bosses:
Core/Orfen - every day from 20:00 to 20:30 Moscow time
Queen Ant - every day from 20:00 to 20:30 Moscow time
Zaken - every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday from 21:00 to 21:30 Moscow time
*Doors open from 21:00 and will remain open until 21:05 Moscow time
Baium - every Wednesday and Sunday from 21:00 to 21:30 Moscow time
Antharas - every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 21:00 to 21:30 Moscow time
Frintezza - every Monday and Friday 22:00 to 22:30 Moscow time
Valakas - every Wednesday and Saturday from 22:00 to 22:30 Moscow time
Now in .epic only Epic bosses are displayed and the status of alive/dead is displayed without the exact respawn time
The .rb command is available, which shows the status/respawn time of important RBs
The display of most passive skills has been fixed, the display of items in the drop list has also been corrected
In the Figher/Mage boss drop, almost all epic jewelry was removed, leaving only core/orf/zak/tar
Premium account bonus reduced to 50%
Soulshots and Spiritshots are endless when using a premium account
Sp Scroll is now transmitted
Sub-class without quest, to get it you must have Sub Coin
Sub Coin drops from Raid Boss Longhorn Golkonda with a 100% chance, 1 piece, respawn time - 6 hours, announcement 5 minutes before appearance
Sub Coin is transferred
Frenzy now adds physical attack with any weapon type
Guts now adds 33% magic attack and physical defense
Frenzy and Guts can be used simultaneously
Mass Warrior Bane now removes the effect Frenzy
, Dash
and Rage
,has a static cooldown of 15 seconds
Mass Mage Bane now removes the effect Guts
, Dash
and War Cry
, has a static cooldown of 15 seconds
Warrior Bane now removes the effect Frenzy
, Dash
and Rage
, has a static cooldown of 15 seconds
Mage Bane now removes the effect Guts
, Dash
and War Cry
, has a static cooldown of 15 seconds
Blessing of Seraphim now adds 25% magic attack
*You can study Blessing of Seraphim, Gift of Seraphim, Gift of Queen and Blessing of Queen at the same time
Chant of Victory adds only physical stats, does not take away running speed
Prophecy of Water adds only magic stats, does not take away running speed
War Cry adds only magic attack
Rage adds only physical attack
Auto-learning of skills is disabled
Repeated and unnecessary skills have been removed from learning skills
Taking into account the transfer of buffs to clan skills, the cost multiplier for learning ordinary skills for SP has been increased from x4 to x10
Removed the ability to use Olympic sticks, cans for running, casting, speed attacks
All major buffs are now clan-specific (passive) and are learned at clan levels 0-5
0 Clan level - basic PP/EE skills (Prophet, Elven Elder) levels 1-2 are available, studied for free
1 Clan level - basic PP/EE skills (Prophet, Elven Elder) 2+ levels available, learning cost 25,000 Blue Seal Stone
Clan level 2 - PP/EE resists available (Prophet, Elven Elder), cost of learning 1,000,000 adena
Clan level 3 - all SWS (Swordsinger) buffs are available, the cost of learning is 2,000,000 adena
Clan level 4 - all DB buffs are available (Bladedancer), cost of studying 5,000,000 adena
Clan level 5 - POW, COW and cat/horse buffs available, cost of learning 1 Clan Skill Coin
Starting from level 5, it is also possible to learn regular clan skills that add increased stats
Prices for raising the clan level have been changed:
Level 1 - 1,500,000 adena and 2,000,000 SP
Level 2 - 5,000,000 adena and 7,500,000 SP
Level 3 - Blood Mark and 15,000,000 SP
Level 4 - Alliance Manifesto and 30,000,000 SP
Level 5 - Seal of Aspiration and 50,000,000 SP
Level 6 - 15,000 clan reputation
Level 7 - 30,000 clan reputation
Level 8 - 60,000 clan reputation
* Blood Mark drop rate reduced
* Blood Mark, Alliance Manifesto and Seal of Aspiration can be purchased in the GM shop, quests to raise the clan level are disabled
Registration for siege ends 30 minutes before the start of the siege
When owning a castle, all clan players receive an additional clan skill
- Magic boom when owning an Aden castle, adds 5% running speed, 17% magic attack, 15% to physical defense in PVP and 100% MP
- Fighter boom when owning Giran Castle, adds 5% running speed, 8% physical attack, 7% magic defense in PVP and 80% MP
* Disabled changing the time of siege by clan leaders
Siege time reduced to 60 minutes
The farming zone is entirely located on Dino Island, the drop of S grade desks in MOS has been removed
Let's slightly rework the delay system for taking zeros so that new players can catch up with the old players
By popular demand, we changed the standard interface to Iordanov with built-in functions for inserting HP, enchanting ammunition and skills
The chances of sharpening skills have been changed, now the chance decreases statically by 3% for each step of enchanting skills, even after +9
The value of HP has been changed, now skills add higher stats, while the chance of catching a skill with low/mid HP is less than before, the price of withdrawing HP has been increased to 120,000 adena, a HP exchanger has been added:
5 Low = 1 Mid
5 Mid = 1 High
5 High - 1 Top
Chance to obtain a skill with LOW = 0%, Mid = 2%, High =5%, Top = 10%
Level 10 skills have been reworked (A- Active, P- Passive, C - Chance):
Shield - A 30%, P 25%, C 25%
M.Barrier - A 25%, P 20%, C 20%
Might - A 20%, P 15%, C 15%
Duel Might - A 20%, P 15%, C 15%
Wild Magic - A 20%, P 15%, C 15%
Empower - A 40%, P 35%, C 35%
* Chance skills time increased to 5 minutes
Chance of dropping a TOP Grade Life Stone with Tyrannosaurus = 25% 1 piece, with PA - 25% 1-2 pieces
* There is a PVP zone in the dino itself
The farming zone from LOA was moved to Dino Island, Low/Mid/High Grade Life Stone with a small drop chance, giant books, pieces and Interlude weapons, S grade desks with a small drop chance were added to drop mobs
Removed Donate Coin recipes
Added Olympiad Coin , awarded for participating in auto events and winning Olympics
To upgrade accessories, tattoos from level 12 and above, Olympiad Coin is required
Class battles at the Olympics are disabled
Hiro weapon, additionally adds Upgraded weapon stats (+p/m attack)
Nephilim/Zombie shields have been added to the drop for all Halisha, there is also a 5% chance to get a Clan Skill Coin, High Grade Life Stone 76 1-2 pieces - 100%, 1 A Grade Part, the quest for 4 cups will not be available immediately, but through a couple of days after opening
* There is a PvP zone in the entry area
Now A Grade Part can be exchanged for Low-A weapons/armor/jewelry in the GM shop
The drop of Clan Skill Coin has been returned to the Cherub Galaxia drop with a 50% chance - 1 piece
Returned the "uber" tattoo stats, now tattoos add 3% from levels 1 to 12 inclusive, 4% from levels 12 to 18 and 5% from levels 18 to 24
* magic stats attacks are added 50% more, 4.5% from level 1 to 12, 6% from level 12 to 18, 7.5% from level 18 to 24
* running speed stats remain unchanged
The cost of TP in high-locks has been increased to 100,000 adena, the price of nubl TP in these zones is 10 times less - 10,000 adena
Premium account rates increased to x2
The stats of epic jewelry have been updated, and an upgrade now requires a larger amount of regular jewelry, for example, to upgrade to level 1 you need 1 piece of regular epic jewelry, to level 2 - 2 pieces + a piece of 1 level, to level 3 you need 3 pieces + piece 1 level
*Except Core/Orfen
*The amount of HP has also been increased (done), a PvP zone has been added
The cost of upgrading core/orfen in Aden and Russian coins has been reduced, it used to be -> now:
Level 1 15,000,000 adena and 1,000 Rus Coin -> 5,000,000 adena and 250 Rus Coin
Level 2 45,000,000 adena and 2,000 Rus Coin -> 15,000,000 adena and 750 Rus Coin
Level 3 100,000,000 adena and 3,000 Rus Coin -> 40,000,000 adena and 1500 Rus Coin
The amount of karma received per PC has been reduced, now you can interfere with “wars” on spots
Reduced the chance of crafting S weapons/armor using regular recipes to 5%
*The chance of crafting improved recipes for armor remained 40%, for weapons decreased to 30%
Changed the price for upgrade A armor
Reduced Dimensional Fragment drop drop
Game interface:
Main functions:
Character Creation:
When creating a character, you get NG armor:
Wooden set for warriors
Devotion set for magicians
Low Grade Jewerly
2pcs Apprentice Adventurer's Weapon Coupon
For coupons, you can get NG weapons from the Newbie Guide, weapons will stop wearing if you have 1 or more PCs
Server features:
All main buffs are now clan (passive) and are learned at 0-5 clan level
When owning a castle, all clan players receive an additional clan skill
- Magic boom while owning the castle Aden, adds 5% run speed, 17% magic attack, 15% physical defense in PVP and 10,000 MP
- Fighter boom when owning Giran Castle, adds 5% run speed, 8% physical attack, 7% magical defense in PVP and 8,000 MP
Skill "Run" - 3 levels, +250 running speed for 3,6,9 seconds depending on the level, rollback 5,3,1 minutes
Skill "Berserk" - 3 levels + 10,15,20% P.M attack, reduces physical magic defense by 20%, duration 7,11,15 seconds depending on the level, rollback 3,2.5 and 2 minutes
"Premium" rates from zero-skills - an opportunity to increase XP / SP / ADENA / DROP / SPOIL rates up to 100%:
Added two new locations, teleportation is possible from the usual GK in Giran:
All mages have the same stats regardless of race:
All warriors have the same stats regardless of race:
Added reward for PvP in the form of XP / SP / PVP jars:
New types of armor add an active skill when all parts of the armor are enchant by +10:
Reworked the drop in the Primeval Isle location
Toggle skills that do not cut stats have been moved to passive ones:
Many runes, which can only be obtained by game
** IMPORTANT Weaker runes replace the effect of a stronger rune
Reworked clan system, skills
Ability to craft the main server currency
Added the ability to upgrade A / S armor
The number of mobs on all spots is doubled, the respawn of all mobs has been reduced by 2 times (except for the Imperial Tomb location)
Added tattoos - 24 levels:
Added a zeroing system with nice bonuses:
Added mobs champions
Added accessories (12 levels) that add HP CP MP and physical magic protection, add static stats, no longer rewardable, can be worn from level 61
Added S weapon upgrade, level 14 CA is required, CA upgrade from level 13 to 14 is possible only on RB "Anais" in Monastery of Silence, with a 15% chance
The ability to upgrade epic jewelry (3 levels of each part)
Reworked Life Stone skills of 9 and 10 levels (70/76 life stone) - give stats corresponding to the multiprof
S grade recipes have a lower crafting chance to save the game economy, add a higher S grade cost and update A equip, while increasing the crafting chance for A armor
Auto learning skills disabled
Time limits - 60 minutes
Added Block Buff to all characters:
Frenzy now adds physical attack with any type of weapon
Guts now add 33% magic attack and physical defense
Frenzy and Guts can be used at the same time
Mass Warrior Bane now removes the Frenzy effect
, Dash
and Rage
,has a static recovery of 15 seconds
Mass Mage Bane now removes Guts effect
, Dash
and War Cry
, has a static recovery of 15 seconds
Blessing of Seraphim now adds 25% magic attack
* Blessing of Seraphim, Gift of Seraphim, Gift of Queen and Blessing of Queen can be learn at the same time
Chant of Victory only adds physical stats, does not subtract running speed
Prophecy of Water adds only magic stats, does not subtract running speed
War Cry only adds magic attack
Rage only adds physical attack
30% Hp is not required to use frenzy / guts / zealot / angelic icon
The ability to use totems with any weapon.
Disabled the ability to use healing skills on raid / grand bosses.
Added statistical recovery for some types of skills (UD, lethal, healing hp / cp, etc.)
Light Armor Mastery works with all types of armor
For convenience, the mass sweep skill has been added, available from level 75 for 375,000,000 SP and 20,000,000 adena in the "Reset Skills" section.
Bison Spirit Totem works at 100% HP and adds crit power with a bow
Passive skills Light Armor Mastery give a lower percentage of attack and casting speed
Skill "Run" - 3 levels, +250 running speed for 3,6,9 seconds depending on the level, rollback 5,3,1 minutes
Skill "Berserk" - 3 levels + 10,15,20% P.M attack, reduces physical magic defense by 20%, duration 7,11,15 seconds depending on the level, rollback 3,2.5 and 2 minutes
Epic bosses:
Core/Orfen (level 78) - every day from 20:00 to 19:30 Moscow time
Queen Ant (level 78) - every day from 20:00 to 20:30 Moscow time
Zaken (level 78) - every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday from 21:00 to 21:30 Moscow time
*Doors open from 21:00 and will remain open until 21:05 Moscow time
Baium - every Wednesday and Sunday from 21:00 to 21:30 Moscow time
Antharas - every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 21:00 to 21:30 Moscow time
Frintezza - every Monday and Friday 22:00 to 22:30 Moscow time
Valakas - every Wednesday and Saturday from 22:00 to 22:30 Moscow time
* Entry time to Valakas and Antharas reduced to 10 minutes
Epic bosses are strengthened: defense 10 times, attack 4 times.
AntQueen, Zaken, Baium, Kore and Orphen are level 78
A/S grade armor, weapons and jewelry have been removed from the drop.
The drop from Grand Bosses has been reworked, now instead of epic jewelry they drop Epic Coin:
Raid bosses:
A system of teleporting to the RB after respawn has been implemented (with the ability to disable it in the .menu):
Respawn RB 2 hours + - 30 minutes
Respawn Flame of Splendor Barakiel - 6 hours + - 30 minutes, announcement 5 minutes before respawn (Passive Noblesse added to the drop with a 20% chance)
Sub Coin drops from Raid Boss Longhorn Golkonda with 100% chance, 1pc, RB respawn - 6 hours, announcement 5 minutes before spawn
Respawn Ali Varka / Ketra RB 18h +4 random
Respawn Cherub Galaxia - 5 hours + - 30 minutes, drop from 500 to 1500 Clan reputation, 50% Сlan Skill book, announcement 5 minutes before respawn, located in TOI 13th floor
A grade egg clan has been removed from the drop; Armor, weapons and jewelry A / S grade.
Regular RBs are reinforced:
7x protection
Phys.Mag attack 2 times
* Reinforced only RB above level 46
* Quest 4 cups (four goblet) will not be available immediately, but a couple of days after opening
* The pvp zone in the Four Sepulchers location has been changed, now 2 entrances to the halish are located in the safe zone:

You can find a description of the quest here:
Added 2 A armor / weapon enchant scroll to the drop to RB 60-69 with a 40% chance, top lvl 76 with a 25% chance and skill point books with a 45% chance, 5 Rus coin with a 50% chance, 1 Crystal Scroll Enchant Weapon A grade with a 5% chance, 1-2 Crystal Scroll Enchant Armor A grade - 12%
For RB 70+ levels added 2 S armor / weapon enchant scroll, top LS with a 50% chance 1 pc and BOG with a 60% chance, 5 Rus coin with a 50% chance, 1 Crystal Scroll Enchant Weapon S grade with a 5% chance, 1-2 Crystal Scroll Enchant Armor S grade with 8% chance
Added Rus Coin recipe to drop level 75+ rb with 2% chance of dropping
* Additional drop not added to call and instance rb


A Grade Part:
You can get A Grade Part only by killing Halisha's Shadow, drop 1 A Grade Part - 100%
You can only get with Khalisha by taking the Four Goblet quest.
Conditions for entry:
You must be in a party (at least 2 people)
Party characters should be nearby

* A PvP zone is set in the entry zone
You can find a description of the quest here:
The clan system has been reworked:
All main buffs are now clan (passive) and are learned at 0-5 clan level
0 Clan level - basic skills PP / EE (Prophet, Elven Elder) 1-2 levels are available, learned for free
Clan level 1 - basic skills PP / EE (Prophet, Elven Elder) 2+ level are available
Clan level 2 - PP / EE resists are available (Prophet, Elven Elder)
Clan level 3 - all buffs of the CBC are available (Swordsinger)
Clan level 4 - all buffs are available (Bladedancer)
Clan level 5 - POW, COW and cat / horse buffs are available, the cost of learning is 1 Clan Skill Coin
Clan creation is available for characters level 5+
Clan level limits for people:
0 level and above - 10
Royal Guard people limits - 0
Slot limit in Knight's sub - 0
Academy limit - 40
To raise the level of a clan, a clan must have 5+ players
Changed prices for raising the level of the clan:
Level 1 - 1,500,000 adena and 2,000,000 SP
Level 2 - 5,000,000 adena and 7,500,000 SP
Level 3 - Blood Mark and 15,000,000 SP
Level 4 - Alliance Manifesto and 30,000,000 SP
Level 5 - Seal of Aspiration and 50,000,000 SP
Level 6 - 15,000 clan reputation
Level 7 - 30,000 clan reputation
Level 8 - 60,000 clan reputation
* Blood Mark drop chance reduced
* Blood Mark, Alliance Manifesto, and Seal of Aspiration are available in the um shop
Any clan penalty - 24 hours, except for banishment by the clan leader
Clan skills work for all clan members
Clan skills have been reworked, all skills add static, not further rated stats:
XP / CP / MP +3000 for each level
M.Aattack +1500 for each level
Physical Attack +750 per level
Physical Defense +1000 for each level
M. Defense +500 for each level
Evasion / Accuracy + 2 per level
Running speed +2 per level
2 castles are available for sieges - Giran and Aden
Sieges every 3 days, the first sieges start **. 07.2021
Registration for sieges closes 30 minutes before the start of the siege
When owning a castle, all clan players receive an additional clan skill
- Magic boom while owning the castle Aden, adds 5% run speed, 17% magic attack, 15% physical defense in PVP and 10,000 MP
- Fighter boom when owning Giran Castle, adds 5% run speed, 8% physical attack, 7% magical defense in PVP and 8,000 MP
* Disabled changing siege times by clan leaders
* The minimum clan level to register for a siege is 3
Siege time reduced to 60 minutes
Sub-class and Noblesse:
Sub-class without a quest, to receive you must have a Sub Coin
Sub Coin drops from Raid Boss Longhorn Golkonda with 100% chance, 1pc, RB respawn - 6 hours, announcement 5 minutes before spawn
Alternatively, Sub Coin can be purchased at GM-Shop for 20 Event Coin, 750 Rus Coin and 50,000,000 Aden
Nobles without a quest, to obtain the status of a nobleman you must be on the 76+ level subclass in the party that finished off the noble RB
Without a group, the status of a nobleman is not issued, you must be in a group of at least two players
If your character is not in the sub class, but in the party, you will not receive the status of a nobleman
Life Stone:
Shield - A 30%, P 25%, C 25%
M.Barrier - A 25%, P 20%, C 20%
Might - A 20%, P 15%, C 15%
Duel Might - A 20%, P 15%, C 15%
Wild Magic - A 20%, P 15%, C 15%
Empower - A 40%, P 35%, C 35%
* Chance skill time increased to 5 minutes
Chance of dropping TOP Grade Life Stone with Tyrannosaurus = 25% 1pc, with PA 25% 1-2pc
* A PVP zone is installed in the dino itself
Olympiad period - 7 days
Duration of the Olympiad: from 18:00 to 00:00 Moscow time
Olympiad runs every day
Enchant limit +7
5 players are required to start the Olympiad
For each victory at the Olympiad, you get 1 Olympiad Coin
Hiro weapon, additionally adds Upgraded weapon stats (+ p / m attack
NPC Server:

Skill manager:

Alt+B :
Automatic events:
TvT and CTF (capture the flag) every 2 hours from 12:00 to 00:00, prize - 1 event coin, 1 event box, 1 Olympiad Coin
* To participate in auto-events, the character must be level 40 or higher
Buying professions:
1 profession - 300 adena, reward 15 Shadow Item Coupon (D-grade), Rune XP / SP + 50% - 4 hours
2nd profession - 10,000 adena, Shadow Item Coupon (C-grade)
3rd profession - 3,000,000 adena, 25 Rus Coin
Enchant :
Chance of enchanting with regular scrolls 60%
There are blessed enchant with an increased chance - 70%, if the enchant is unsuccessful, the item will be reset to +0
Added Crystal Scroll enchant chance 33%, in case of failure - enchant remains at the previous level
Safe enchant: +3
The maximum level of enchant for armor and jewelry +25
The maximum level of enchant for weapons +25
The maximum level of enchant when using Crystal Scroll +20
Rebirth system:
Your character must be level 80 to be able to reset!
It is possible to perform rebirth at the "Skill Master"
After completing the reset, the character's level will be reset to 1 (first)!
As a bonus - you will receive a Reset Coin
For Reset Coin you can purchase additional passive skills from the "Skill Master" NPC, 5 levels for each passive skill
Restriction of Resetting the character level for a reward - 100 times (that is, you can get a maximum of 100 Reset Coin)
Delay between receiving the bonus - 2-6 hours
Reset level is not available on subclasses
Basic moments :
Expanded the limits of inventory slots to 250, for crafting to 150
Global chat (shout!) From level 10
Implemented the Shift + Click system on the NPC, to view the characteristics, drop
Added runes XP / SP, increasing rates by 75% and 50%
Free teleportation up to level 46
Red 10 and blue х3 mobs champions, spawn chance 0.3% and 3%, respectively, drop 2 and 1 rus coin with a 33% chance
Mana Point recovers 5000 MP
Mana Drug regains 225 MP in 15 seconds
Recipes for crafting Rus Coin can be looted from some mobs in the Varka Silenos Outpost location:
Server commands:
.cfg - basic commands
.epic - status of grand boss
.rb - status and respawn time of important raid boss
.proff / .class / .classmaster / .prof / .proffa - getting a profession
.repair - restoring a character on an account
.pa or .premium - check the expiration date of a premium account
.acp - Auto for Mana Potion, does not work in peaceful zones
.offline - offline trading, allowed for characters above level 10
.relog .restart - clear fps cache
/ dwarvenmanufacture - open the crafting menu.
Server currencies:
Donate Coin - mined by donations

Rus Coin - main server currency, obtained by killing champion mobs, drop chance - 50%

Rus Coin Part - drops from level 40+ monsters with a 4% chance, required for crafting Rus Coin
Event Coin - mined by participating in automatic events
Event Box - issued to the winning team for participating in auto-events, if you double-click, you will receive 1 of 5 runes for 4 hours
Olympiad Coin - issued for participating in auto events and winning the Olympiad
AQ Stone - can be knocked out of Queen Ant with a 70% chance, exchanged in the exchanger 2 AQ Stone to 1 Ring of Queen Ant
A grade part - drops from Shadow_of_Halisha ( with 100% chance, currency is required to buy / upgrade A grade armor
S grade part - drops from all mobs in Primeval Isle with a 2.5% chance, currency is required to upgrade S grade armor
Reset Coin - issued for completing Reset, required to purchase additional skills from Skill Manager
Sub Coin - bought in the GM-shop, this currency is required to obtain a sub-class
Clan Skill Book - Bought in the GM shop, drops from Cherub Galaxia and Shadow of Halisha is required to learn clan skills
Clan Reputation Coin - Drops from RB Cherub Galaxia in the amount of 5-15pcs, when double-clicked, adds +100 clan reputation to the clan (clan must be 3 or higher)
Description of stats and armor upgrade A / S grade:
A grade :
The stats of A grade sets increase as follows:
1 level - + 4% to the standard stats of the set
Level 2 - + 8% to the standard stats of the set, the stas minutes are removed (for example, Tallum Heavy - -2 CON is removed)
Level 3 - +12% to the standard stats of the set, +2 to the adding stat (For example, Tallum Heavy: total +4 STR)
S grade :
The characteristics of S grade sets increase as follows:
1 level - +7% to the standard stats of the set
Level 2 - + 15% to the standard stats of the set, minus stat is removed (for example, Draconic - -2 CON is removed)
Level 3 - +25% to the standard stats of the set, +2 to the adding status (For example, Draconic: total +3 STR and +3 DEX)
The upgrade is carried out at the NPC "Gm-Shop", only if you have a part of the armor that you want to improve (like a mammon, when you upgrade a gun), while the level of sharpening remains
To upgrade by level you need:
1 level A grade - standard part of armor, 1 A grade part, 50-100 Rus Coin and resources
1 level S grade - standard piece of armor, 700 S grade part, 100-200 Rus Coin and resources
2 level A grade - a part of the 1st level armor, 2 A grade part, 100-200 Rus Coin and resources
Level 2 S grade - part of the 1st level armor, 1500 S grade part, 200-400 Rus Coin and resources
3 level A grade - part of the armor of 1 level, 3 A grade part, 150-300 Rus Coin, 5 Event Coin and resources
3 level S grade - part of the 1st level armor, 3000 S grade part, 300-600 Rus Coin, 5 Event Coin and resources
Soul Crystal 14 LvL:
On our server, the maximum CA level is 14, the CA upgrade from level 13 to level 14 is possible only on RB "Anais", which is located in the Monastery of Silence
Teleport to Anais is available from the usual global GK in Goddart:
Soul Crystal is pumped automatically to the whole party, the chance of pumping is 8%